This is the logo of Token-Generator

Create Your Cryptocurrency

Each token is fully yours, accompanied by a transparent and verified source code. Experience and validate your token's performance on a test network before making it live.

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Note: Tokens created on testnet will not be verified. Please create tokens on mainnet to get the contract verified.


Allows tokens to be destroyed, reducing the total supply.
Allows more tokens to be created, increasing the total supply.
Part of each transaction can be burned or redirected to a specific address.
Holder Redistribution
A portion of each transaction is shared among token holders based on their holdings.
MetaMask is not installed
Please install MetaMask.
For mobil use please use the browser within the Metamask app to create a token.
Insufficient Balance
Please transfer some BNB to your MetaMask account.
Token was successfully created!
Contract address:
Token on BSC-Scan:
Error: Please switch to a BSC-Network to create a token.
Error: Please switch to an Ethereum-Network to create a token.
Error: Please switch to a Fantom-Network to create a token.
Error: Please switch to a Polygon-Network to create a token.
Error: Creation of token was not sucessfull.